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Grace regularly writes op-eds for various platforms both internal and external to LSE. She has written for the FT, Harvard Business Review, Fortune, Fast Company, MIT Sloan Management Review and Reuters. Keep up to date with Grace’s latest blogs by following her on Twitter @profgracelordan or Instagram: @profgracelordan

2024 articles

Dr Grace Lordan (2024)

Is your Boss Talking Too Much? AI Can Tell Them

FT (December 2nd 2024). Article.


Daniel Jolles, Grace Lordan (2024)

Generational diversity is on the rise, and so is conflict

LSE Blog (February 7th, 2024). Blog.


Dr Grace Lordan, Nikita (2024)

Workers in finance from lower socio-economic backgrounds don’t have equal voice

LSE Blog (September 26th, 2024). Blog.


Jasmine Virhia, Grace Lordan (2024)

How our mistakes are judged can have lasting career impacts

LSE Blog (June 24th, 2024). Blog.


Grace Lordan (2024)

Women like me are missing out on one of the best jobs available today as careers in private equity have a 50% chance of going awry

Fortune (June 28th, 2024). Article.


Grace Lordan, Daniel Jolles (2024)

It’s time to debunk the belief that tech natives are more valuable

LSE Blog (October 31st, 2024). Blog.


Nikita, Anna Lane, Grace Lordan, Paul Middleton (2024)

Why women say hybrid working enhances productivity, while men don’t

LSE Blog (January 17th, 2024). Blog.


2023 articles

Author (2024)

Are you paying attention? Try these hacks to stop distraction

FT (29th December 2023). Article.


Jazzy Jasiulek, Daniel Jolles, Nikita, Grace Lordan (2023)

The three biggest workplace anxieties of 2023

LSE (20th December 2023). Blog.


Cecily Josten, Grace Lordan (2023)

How the most recent AI wave affects jobs

LSE (14th December 2023). Blog.


Dr Grace Lordan, Teresa Almeida (2023)

To improve performance and inclusion, firms must break silos between teams

LSE (14th November 2023). Blog.


Dr Grace Lordan, Odessa S Hamilton, Daniel Jolles (2023)

Why people quiet quit

LSE (5th October 2023). Blog.


Dr Grace Lordan (2023)

Why critics love to hate Elon Musk–and why his fans adore him

Fortune (13th September 2023). Article.


Dr Grace Lordan, Jasmine Virhia (2023)

Should we call time on presenteeism?

LSE (5th September 2023). Blog.


Dr Grace Lordan (2023)

Starting the day like Jamie Dimon set me up for success

FT (28th August 2023). Article.


Dr Grace Lordan (2023)

The A.I. revolution will also be a gender revolution as disruption revaluates women’s skills

Fortune (29th August 2023). Article.


Dr Grace Lordan (2023)

Bad Bosses are evolving not disappearing

Financial Times (31st July 2023). Article.


Yolanda Blavo, Dr Grace Lordan and Jasmine Virhia (2023)

Supporting Productivity with a ‘Remote-first’ Approach

California Management Review (8th May 2023). Article.


Yolanda Blavo and Dr Grace Lordan (2023)

Leaders with courage listen, rather than roar

LSE (31st May 2023). Blog


Yolanda Blavo and Dr Grace Lordan(2023)

5 ways to help workplace perfectionists break their time-sucking traits

Fast Company (24th January 2023). Article.


Cecily Josten, Grace Lordan and Karina Robinson (2023)

The City Quantum Summit: A briefing on Diversity and Inclusion in the Quantum Sector

LSE The Inclusion Initiative. PDF Report.


Daniel Jolles & Grace Lordan (2023)

Why older talent should be a consideration for today’s inclusive leader

World Economic Forum (16th February 2023). Article.


Nikita & Grace Lordan (2023)

7 Small Ways to Be a More Inclusive Colleague

Fortune (2nd February 2023). Article.


Grace Lordan (2023)

Overconfident tech CEOs have overpaid for ‘box tickers’ and ‘taskmasters.’ Here’s why the real ‘creators’ will survive the mass layoffs

Fortune (15th February 2023). Article.


Grace Lordan (2023)

What to do if you hate your job

FT (2023). Article.


Grace Lordan (2023)

How to be a better leader in the new workplace

FT (2023). Article.


Grace Lordan (2023)

Courage and Leadership in 2023

LSE (4th January 2023). Blog.

2022 articles

Grace Lordan and Teresa Almeida (2022)

How to use science to know whether the change you’re making is really working

Fast Company (28th October 2022). Article.


Grace Lordan and Teresa Almeida (2022)

How Empathy and Competence Promote a Diverse Leadership Culture

Fast Company (14th June 2022). Article.


Grace Lordan (2022)

Why ending favouritism is the key to building a diverse workforce

The FT (21st July 2022). Article.


Grace Lordan (2022)

Why building trust improves diversity, inclusion and productivity

Raconteur. Article.


Grace Lordan and Paris Will (2022)

8 ways the metaverse can change inclusion at work 

Fast Company (7th June 2022). Article.


Grace Lordan (2022)

Here’s what Boris Johnson’s successor should do to restore trust at the top of British government, according to behavioural science

Fortune (18th July 2022). Article.


Grace Lordan (2022)

Five ways for leaders to work faster, better, and more inclusively

LSE Blogs (19th March 2022). Blog.



Yet to try a 4-day week? Here's how to do it productively

Fast Company (24th March 2022). Article.


Odessa S. Hamilton, Lindsay Kohler, Elle Bradley Cox, and Grace Lordan (2022) 

How to Make Your Organization’s Language More Inclusive

Harvard Business Review (18th March 2022). Article.


Grace Lordan (2022) 

The Great Resignation must lead to more inclusive workplace

Business Leader (6th April 2022). Article.


Grace Lordan (2022) 

The Great Resignation must lead to more inclusive workplace

Elite Business Magazine (6th April 2022). Article.


Grace Lordan (2022) 

Polish your storytelling skills to win a pay rise

Financial Times (31st January 2022). Article.


Joanna Bale, Carsten Sørensen, Connson Locke, Grace Lordan, Hailley Griffis (2022) 

What will happen to the office post-COVID?

LSE Blogs (14th January 2022). Blog/Podcast.


Grace Lordan (2022) 

The New Year’s resolutions to keep you happy in a pandemic, according to a behavioral scientist

i (28th December 2021). Article.

2021 articles

Grace Lordan (2021) 

Have you quit your New Year’s resolution by Quitter’s Day?

LSE Blogs (17th January 2022). Blog.


Grace Lordan (2021) 

Want to Get a Pay Rise? Here's How

LSE Blogs (26th October 2021). Article.


Grace Lordan (2021) 

If you lie down with clones you will stagnate your career

LSE Blogs (26th August 2021). Blog.


Grace Lordan (2021) 

How to get your career moving: lessons from a behavioural scientist

Financial Times (5th August 2021). Article.


Grace Lordan, Teresa Almeida, and Lindsay Kohler (2021) 

5 Practices to Make Your Hybrid Workplace Inclusive

Harvard Business Review (17th August 2021). Article.


Grace Lordan and Lutfey Siddiqi (2021) 

Inclusion in the workplace: how not to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

LSE Blogs (6th October 2021). Blog.


Grace Lordan and Lutfey Siddiqi (2021) 

OPINION: Here’s what to do about diversity and inclusion fatigue in finance

Thomson Reuters Foundation News (6th October 2021). Article.


Lordan, Grace (2021) 

‘Don’t Miss Out’ adverts will encourage 18-30s to get the Covid vaccine, but won’t restore Government trust

inews (9th August 2021). Article.


Lordan, Grace (2021) 

Finances myth of meritocracy rewards mediocre managers

Financial Times (23 June 2021). Column.


Lordan, Grace (2021) 

OPINION: Is the finance sector doing enough to promote gender equality?

Thomson Reuters Foundation News (22 June 2021). Article.


Teresa Almeida, Erika Brodnock, Lordan, Grace (2021) 

Black women are missing in the UK’s top 1%

LSE (3rd March 2021) Blog.

2020 articles

Lordan, Grace (2020) 

If firms start measuring the gains of flexible working, women will benefit. 

LSE COVID-19 Blog (15 Dec 2020). Blog Entry.


Almeida, Teresa, Will, Paris and Lordan, Grace (2020) 

Hybrid working: an LSE dictionary of behavioural biases. 

LSE Covid 19 Blog(01 Dec 2020). Blog Entry.


Almeida, Teresa and Lordan, Grace (2020) 

Moving from cheap talk to action: the case of diversity and inclusion. 

LSE Business Review (30 Jun 2020). Blog Entry.


Almeida, Teresa and Lordan, Grace (2020) 

How behavioural science can help firms navigate the new normal. 

LSE COVID-19 Blog(09 Jun 2020). Blog Entry.


Almeida, Teresa and Lordan, Grace (2020) 

On being human: how behavioural science can help virtual working. 

LSE Business Review(04 Jun 2020). Blog Entry.


Lordan, Grace and Josten, Cecily (2020) 

People vs machines: automation, the fourth industrial revolution and the labour force. 

The Inclusion Intiative (28 May 2020). Blog Entry.


Lordan, Grace and Jaffe, Rachel (2020) 

Cinco lecciones de ciencias del comportamiento para las reuniones virtuales de equipo. 

LSE Business Review (19 May 2020). Blog Entry.


Jaffe, Rachel and Lordan, Grace (2020) 

Five behavioural science lessons for managing virtual team meetings. 

LSE Business Review(18 May 2020). Blog Entry.


Dolan, Paul and Lordan, Grace (2020) 

How employers can decide whom to bring back to work first. 

LSE COVID-19 Blog (18 May 2020). Blog Entry.


Lordan, Grace (2020) 

Inclusión virtual durante el cierre sanitario por Covid-19. 

LSE Business Review (11 May 2020). Blog Entry.


Lordan, Grace (2020) 

Covid-19: overcoming obstacles to virtual inclusion for city of london workers. 

LSE Business Review (05 May 2020). Blog Entry.





Lordan, Grace, Travers, Tony, Sivropoulos-Valero, Anna Valero and Marsh, Megan (2019) 

Party political conferences - a key site for research impact. 

Impact of Social Sciences Blog (17 Dec 2019). Blog Entry.


Lordan, Grace (2018) 

Low-skill workers will be the have-nots of automation. 

The Hill (11 Jun 2018). Website.


Lordan, Grace (2018) 

Be careful what you wish for with minimum wage hikes. 

The Hill (06 Apr 2018). Website.


Lordan, Grace and Neumark, David (2018) 

People versus machines: the impact of minimum wages on automatable Jobs. 

Research Briefs in Economic Policy (17 Jan 2018). Website.


Johnston, David and Lordan, Grace (2015)

In brief...Prejudice in a time of recession.

Centrepiece (2015). Website.


Lordan, Grace (2014) 

The obesity epidemic is spreading more rapidly than expected, but many people don’t even recognise that they are too heavy. 

British Politics and Policy at LSE (15 Jan 2014). Website.


Lordan, Grace and Pakrashi, Debayan (2013) 

Employers have a role to play in encouraging increased participation in physical activities. 

British Politics and Policy at LSE (03 May 2013). Website.

2019 and earlier

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