Grace Lordan and her colleagues on the UK Skills and Productivity Board have produced a number of reports that can be found here.
Grace Lordan (2023)
The Good Finance 'How to' Manual
Women in banking and Finance (WIBF), UK
Helen H Krause, Brian Young, Cecily Josten, Grace Lordan (2023)
SKILLS THAT PAY:The Returns from Specific Skills as Demanded in Job Adverts
Citi GPS:Global Perspectives and Solutions, UK.
Jasmine Virhia, Yolanda Blavo, Grace Lordan (2022)
100 DIVERSE VOICES: A framework for the future of work in financial and professional services
The Inclusion Initiative, LSE, London, UK & WIBF.
Teresa Almeida, Dr Jasmine Virhia, and Dr Grace Lordan (2022)
The Return to Work A dictionary of biases
The Inclusion Initiative, LSE, London, UK.
Grace Lordan and Lutfey Siddiqi (2021)
The Inclusion Initiative, LSE, London, UK.
Erika Brodnock and Grace Lordan (2021)
The Inclusion Initiative, LSE, London, UK.
Lordan, Grace (2021)
Women in Banking and Finance, The Inclusion Initiative, LSE, London, UK.
Lordan, Grace (2020)
Accelerating Change Together. Part 1: Changing the Narrative
Women in Banking and Finance, The Inclusion Initiative, LSE, London, UK.
Lordan, Grace and Robinson, Karina (2020)
Inclusion in the City: setting the agenda for the first years of the Inclusion Initiative at LSE.
The Inclusion Initiative, LSE, London, UK.
Lordan, Grace (2020)
Virtual inclusion in the City.
The Inclusion Initiative, LSE, London, UK.
Lordan, Grace (2019)
Pro male culture, the earnings gap and the share of females in occupations.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
Lordan, Grace and Neumark, David (2018)
People versus machines: the impact of minimum wages on automable jobs.
Research Briefs in Economic Policy, Miron, Jeffrey (ed.) (96). Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Lordan, Grace and Neumark, David (2018)
People versus machines: the impact of minimum wages on automatable jobs.
CATO Institute.
Lordan, Grace (2018)
Robots at work: a report on automatable and non-automatable employment shares in Europe.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg:. ISBN 9789279802362
Minimum wage and the propensity to automate or offshore Grace Lordan
London School of Economics For the Low Pay Commission 31.10.2017
Frijters, Paul, Johnston, David W, Lordan, Grace and Shields, Michael A. (2013)
Health, Econometrics and Data Group Working Papers (13/02). Health, Econometrics and Data Group, c/o Department of Economics, University of York, York, UK.